Is China’s e-commerce platform crazy overseas? SHEIN and TEMU ranked first in the 25 largest countries in the world in terms of downloads!

Shein and Temu are the most downloaded applications in half of the world’s 50 largest economies. Although the download volume does not represent income, it shows the great ambition of these two platforms.

The download volume of Shein or Temu occupies the first and second place in ten countries. Among the 50 largest countries in the world, Shein or Temu is the most downloaded shopping application in 25 countries. Shein and Temu are different in supply chain, category focus and brand awareness, but they both represent the business model of manufacturing, sales and marketing in China.

Temu is the most downloaded shopping application in the United States, France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Britain. Ranked first among 14 countries in total.

Shein is a bridge between China garment factory and the western generation Z (people born in 1997-2012), and Temu was dominant in the market before it entered the market. Shein still ranks first in ten countries, but these are markets that Temu has not yet entered. However, Shein’s sales are considerable-according to The Wall Street Journal, Shein’s sales reached $30 billion in 2022. The company predicts that the global total transaction volume will increase to 80 billion US dollars by 2025.

Temu is probably the fastest growing retailer in history, thanks to the generous financial support and subsidies from its parent company, Pinduoduo. In the eight months since its launch in the United States, Temu has increased its activity in 14 markets including Australia, Britain and Germany. In order to become the first, it focuses on marketing and gamification recommendation to motivate existing users to invite their friends. This has achieved results; Since last October, it has been the number one application in the United States.

It has been ten years since Shein was founded, but there has been an upsurge in the past few years. Although it was originally a fast fashion platform based on China’s supply chain, it has expanded to more categories and started to be produced in other parts of the world. Most importantly, it has established excellent brand awareness, and countless online celebrity bring goods to TikTok every day.

Post time: Jul-18-2023